I wrapped up an off-season rebuild of the 35+ year old Kohler engine from my Gravely tractor…
My faithful Gravely tractor was showing its age, and some examination showed it was probably due for an engine rebuild of its Kohler K301. These legendary engines, made by real workers in Wisconsin, are the preferred core for tractor pullers. Once you’ve been inside one, you can see why. These things were built to last!
I know an excellent and affordable engine machine shop (which ironically operates without electricity!). They bored and honed the cylinder and installed new valves, guides, and reground the seats.
I decided to grind the crank as well, as it was at the limit for out-of-round. It seemed foolish to go to all this effort and run the risk of breaking a rod down the road. I removed the counterbalance gears, as they seem more of a liability than a benefit for an older engine.
It started like a new one and is now back in service, ready for (ugh) snow removal! Hopefully it will make it another couple of decades, when perhaps it will be someone else’s problem.