January 5, 2023
For some reason, large pieces of machinery just love to follow me home. In December 2022, it was a 9000 pound late-model VMC (vertical machining center) from a defense contractor’s large machine shop. The bearings failed in its spindle motor and they swapped some control parts with another machine. Sometimes I wonder what regular people […]
April 20, 2018
A friend and I are working on another LED lighting project.
April 6, 2018
I’ve been tinkering with a product idea for the garage for a while, mainly because I want one of them myself!
September 30, 2016
I just built first units of a prototype custom USB peripheral for an amateur radio enthusiast (ham)…
March 22, 2015
“New” Hewlett-Packard 500MHz DSO added to tool arsenal
January 5, 2015
Three custom “space buggy” rail cars refined and built in short order
December 6, 2014
Coffee roaster prototype enhances friend’s homebrewing facility.
December 6, 2014
Custom hyrail crane truck enhances safety and convenience on a shoestring budget.
December 6, 2014
Custom polo timer designed, prototyped, and programmed to enhance the match
December 14, 2007
Crane modernization brings locomotive shop into the 21st century.